ECCF Question
- Describe the Block diagram of Operational Amplifier
- Draw the pin diagram of µA 741 op-amp
- Draw the schematic diagram of op-amp
- list the ideal characteristics of op-amp
- Explain the virtual ground concept of op-amp
- define the Sleeve rate and CMRR
- state the Shannon's theorem
- Define information & Average information(Entropy)
- Distinguish between FDM & TDM
- State the sampling theorem and define Nyquist rate
- List the advantages of Digital Transmission
- Draw the block diagram of PCM transmitter
1. Explain the generation of DSB-SC using a balanced modulator
2. with a block Diagram explain the Generation SSB using the phase shift method
3. Compare AM & FM
4. Derive the equation for Frequency modulation and draw the Frequency Spectrum
1. Explain the PWM demodulation with block diagram and wave forms
2. Compare different type of pulse analog modulation(PAM, PWM, PPM)
3. Explain op-amp as a basic Integrator with wave forms
4. Explain op-amp as a inverting amplifier & derive the equation for voltage gain
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