- Explain the Features of Java.
- Explain JVM.
- Explain JDK.
- What are command line arguments in java? Explain with a programming example.
- Explain Bitwise operators in java.
- Explain the data types in java
- Explain break & continue instructions in Java.
- What is a Constructor? Explain different types of constructors in Java
- What is Constructor over Loading? Explain with a programming example.
- Explain static members of a class.
- Explain different access specifiers with the class or visibility modifiers with class.
- Explain the System.arraycopy () method in Java.
- Explain the various methods of String class.
- Write Short notes on String Buffer class
- What are Wrapper classes? Explain the advantage.
- Write Short notes on
a. Difference between Array & Vector
b. Vectors - What is an Exception in Java? Explain the Exception handling mechanism in Java.
- Explain the keyword
i ) try ii ) catch iii ) finally iv)
throw v ) throws
- Explain the types of Inheritance.
- Explain Function Overriding with an example & list out the difference with function overloading.
- What is an abstract class explain with a program.
- Explain final methods & final class.
- Explain Interfaces & its application.
- Explain the toString () method in java.
- Explain the Life cycle of a Thread.
- Explain the various methods of Thread class.
- Explain thread Synchronization.
- Explain the process of creating packages in Java. OR write short note on packages along with its benefit.
- Explain the Predefined or standard packages in java
(java.util package).
- Explain the life cycle of an Applet.
- Explain the applet tag in detail.
- Explain parameter passing to Applet.
- Explain the Graphics class Methods.
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