Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Important Theory Question of Each Module for CP II


  1. Explain the Features of Java.
  2. Explain JVM.
  3. Explain JDK.
  4. What are command line arguments in java? Explain with a programming example.
  5. Explain Bitwise operators in java.
  6. Explain the data types in java


  1. Explain break & continue instructions in Java.
  2. What is a Constructor? Explain  different types of constructors in Java
  3. What is Constructor over Loading? Explain with a programming example.
  4. Explain static members of a class.
  5. Explain different access specifiers with the class or visibility modifiers with class.


  1. Explain the System.arraycopy () method in Java.
  2. Explain the various methods of String class.
  3. Write Short notes on String Buffer class
  4. What are Wrapper classes?  Explain the advantage.
  5. Write Short notes on
       a.   Difference between Array & Vector
       b.   Vectors
  6. What is an Exception in Java?  Explain the Exception handling mechanism in Java.
  7. Explain the keyword  i ) try  ii ) catch  iii ) finally   iv)  throw  v ) throws


  1. Explain the types of Inheritance.
  2. Explain Function Overriding with an example & list out the difference with function overloading.
  3. What is an abstract class explain with a program.
  4. Explain final methods & final class.
  5. Explain Interfaces & its application.
  6. Explain the toString () method in java.

  1. Explain the Life cycle of a Thread.
  2. Explain the various methods of Thread class.
  3. Explain thread Synchronization.
  4. Explain the process of creating packages in Java. OR write short note on packages along with its benefit.
  5. Explain the Predefined or standard packages in java (java.util package).


  1. Explain the life cycle of an Applet.
  2. Explain the applet tag in detail.
  3. Explain parameter passing to Applet.
  4. Explain the Graphics class Methods.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

  1. Write a program to find the reverse of a given number.
  2. Write a program to check whether a given number is Armstrong number.
  3. Write a program to generate prime numbers up to 100.
  4. Write a program to find first n Fibonacci numbers using a constructor.
  5. Write a program to find sum of two complex numbers using object as parameter.
  6. Write a program to find area of a circle, area of rectangle and area of triangle using overloaded constructor function?
  7. Write a program to find the sum and average of a list of ‘n’ numbers.(using single dimension array)
  8. Write a program to arrange a list of n numbers in ascending order using bubble sort.
  9. Write a program to find the largest element of each row of given matrix of order m*n.
  10. Write a program to find the sum of the elements on both the diagonals of the squarematrix of order.
  11. Write a program to find power of a number using recursion.
  12. Write a program to check whether string is palindrome or not.
  13. Write a program that accepts a shopping list of 5 items from user and stores them in a vector? Add functions for the following:
    1) To add an item at a specified location in the list.
    2) To print the contents of the vector.
  14. Write a program to implement multiple catch statements.
  15. Write a program to throw your own exception.
  16. Write a program for achieving single inheritance?
  17. Write a program to achieve multilevel inheritance
  18. Write a program to multiple inheritance by using interface
  19. Write a program to demonstrate function overriding?
  20. Write a program to implement an abstract class.
  21. Write a program to illustrate the usage of packages
  22. Write a program to generate 2 threads of execution by implementing run able interface?
  23. Write a program to implement priority for a thread?
  24. Write an applet program to draw Human face.
  25. Write an applet to program show following ellipses. 

  • Tuesday, March 13, 2012

    ECCF Question Describe the Block diagram of Operational Amplifier Draw the pin diagram of  µA 741 op-amp Draw the schematic diagram o...