Tuesday, October 15, 2019

ECCF Question

  1. Describe the Block diagram of Operational Amplifier
  2. Draw the pin diagram of  µA 741 op-amp
  3. Draw the schematic diagram of  op-amp
  4. list the ideal characteristics of op-amp
  5. Explain the virtual ground concept of op-amp
  6. define the Sleeve rate and CMRR
  7. state the Shannon's theorem
  8. Define information  & Average information(Entropy)
  9. Distinguish between FDM & TDM
  10. State the sampling theorem and define Nyquist rate 
  11. List the advantages of Digital Transmission 
  12. Draw the block diagram of PCM transmitter

1. Explain the generation of DSB-SC using a balanced modulator
2. with a block Diagram explain the Generation SSB using the phase shift method
3. Compare AM & FM
4. Derive the equation for Frequency modulation and draw the Frequency Spectrum

1. Explain the PWM demodulation with  block diagram and wave forms
2. Compare different type of pulse analog modulation(PAM, PWM, PPM)
3. Explain op-amp as a basic Integrator with wave forms
4. Explain op-amp as a inverting amplifier & derive the equation for voltage gain

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

video tutorials for file programming 

introduction to file programming       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk8jndFozdQ

modes of opening a file        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ycZF7uYQ4Q

example to illustrate file copy program     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c43m-sIwnPg  

Friday, April 17, 2015

List of C Programs for FE SEM II (SPA)

1.        Write a program to accept a two digit number and display it in reversed form.
2.        Write a program to display the first n natural numbers, where the value of n is taken from user.
3.        Write a program to find the factorial of a number.
4.        Write a program to display the multiplication table of a user entered number. The table must be upto 10.
5.        Write a program to calculate the value of the following series.
6.        Write a program to display the following for the users specified number of lines.
 n lines 
7.        Write a program to display the following for the user specified number of lines.
   n lines

8.        Write  a program to display the following asking the user for the number of lines
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6

9.        Write a program to display the following asking the user for the number of lines.
                   A B A
                A B C B A
             A B C D C B A
          A B C D E D C B A
        A B C D E F E D C B A

10.     Write a program to check if the entered number is prime number or not.
11.     Write a program to check if the entered number is Armstrong or not.
12.     Write a program to check if the year entered is leap year or not.
13.     Write a program to display the user entered number in words.
14.     Write a program to find value of y using function, where y=xn.
15.     Write a menu driven program to perform add / subtract / multiply / divide / modulus based on the users choice.
16.     Write a program to display the month name by accepting the month number from user.
17.     Write a program to demonstrate the use of break statement and continue statement.
18.     Write a program to find GCD and LCM of two numbers.
19.     Write a program to add two numbers using function.
20.     Write a program to find the factorial of a number using a function.
21.     Write a program to find n Fibonacci elements, using a recursive function.
22.     Write a program to find value of y using recursive function, where y=xn.
23.     Write a program to print transpose of a square matrix.
24.     Write a program to accept ‘n’ integers from user into an array and display the average of these numbers.
25.     Write a program to accept ‘n’ integers from user into an array and display the count of even and odd numbers of these.
26.     Write a program to find an element in an array and display the index of the element using a function. OR Write a program to implement sequential search algorithm.
27.     Write a program to sort numbers in ascending order. Write a program to implement bubble sorting algorithm for sorting numbers in ascending order.
28.     Write a program to accept ‘n’ integers from user into an array and display the largest element.
29.     Write a program to add two matrices of size m x n.
30.     Write a program to accept a string, copy it into another string and display this new string.
31.     Write a program to accept two strings, join them and display the result.
32.     Write a program to accept a string and find its length without using the string header file.
33.     Write a program to reverse a user entered string.
34.     Write a program to check whether the entered string is palindrome or not (Do not use the string header file).
35.     Write a program to find the sum of column elements of a 2 dimensional M x N array.
36.     Write a program to count blank spaces, digits, vowels and consonants in the string.
37.     Write a program to swap two numbers using a function. Pass the values to be swapped to this function using call-by-value method.
38.     Write a program to swap two numbers using a function. Pass the values to be swapped to this function using call-by-reference method.
39.     Write a program to store and display the name, roll number and fees of a student using structure.
40.     Define structure within structure consisting of following elements:
                                                      i.        Employee Code
                                                     ii.        Employee Name
                                                    iii.        Employee Salary and
                                                   iv.        Employee Date_of_joining

Write a C program to read at least 10 records and display them.

Thursday, April 9, 2015



SEM: II                                                                                             Sub: S P A.   

02 Marks Questions.

Differentiate between while and do-while loop.
Explain break with example.

Explain continue with example.

Differentiate between if-else ladder and Switch case.

Differentiate between for and while loop.

Explain global variable.

Explain local variable.

Explain Auto storage class with example.

Explain static storage class with example.

Explain return keyword

Find the output (on break).

Find the output (on continue).
05 Marks Questions.

Write a program in C to generate prime numbers between 100-200

Write a program in C to find out GCD and LCM of any 2 numbers.
Write a program in C to display the pattern.

Write a program in C to check whether the number is an Armstrong or not.
05 Marks Questions.

Write a program in C to find out factorial of a number using recursion.

Write a program in C to print fibbonacci of N elements using function.

Write a program in C to find out power of a number using recursion.

Write a program in C to check whether the number is palindrome or not using function.         

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Wonders of C Language

/* Copy the program on to your system and run to check the wonders of  C language */

#include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
int main()

int a,b,c;

for (b=c=10;a= "Love Your INDIA \
^r\\tZvYxXyT|S~Pn SPm SOn TNn ULo0ULo#ULo-WHq!WFs XDt!"[b+++6];)
while(a-->64) putchar (++c=='Z'?c=c/9:33^b&1);


Sunday, October 5, 2014

ECCF Question Bank

Q1. each question is of 2 marks
1.  FET is a voltage controlled device Justify
2.  Draw and explain the transfer characteristics of JFET.
3.  Draw the electrical equivalent  of crystal and explain
4.  Draw the wave forms of  BJT as Class A power amplifier
5.   Draw the AC equivalent of  Self bias unbypassed  Rs  JFET Biasing circuit
6.  Derive the equation for transconductance of JFET
7. What are the different types of Signals.
8. Define Modulation  and explain its need
9. Draw the basic block diagram for communication system
10 Classify the various type of analog modulation and define them
11 Draw the frequency spectrum of DSB-FC.
12. Derive the equation for total power in DSB-FC.

Q2: Each question of five marks
1.  Explain the construction and characteristics of n -channel JFET.
2. Derive the equation for Zi, Zo and Av for Voltage Divider biasing circuit for n-channel JFET( including rd)
3. Explain BJT as a class A power amplifier with waveforms
4.What is the basic principle for oscillations and draw the circuit diagram of Hartley Oscillator using         JFET.

Q3 . Each question of five marks
1. Derive the equations for Amplitude Modulation with wave forms.
2. Explain How DSB-SC can be generated using JFET Balanced Modulator.
3. Explain Generation of FM by indirect method(Armstrong method)
4. Compare AM, FM and PM

In exam  any five will be selected from Q 1 and two from Q2 and two from Q3.

OOPM Question Bank

Q1. each question is of 2 marks

1. Justify that java is platform independent language.
2. Define Data Encapsulation and Data abstraction with respect to OOP.
3. Define inheritance and list it advantages.
4. Define Interface and explain its need
5. Define Exception and  explain any four types of exception
6. Explain the syntax of exception handling in java.
7. Difference between throw and throws in java.
8.Difference between String and StringBuffer class in java.
9.Difference between  arrays and vectors.
10 Define Multithreading.
11 Explain the different method of achieving multithreading in java.
12. what is a vector and explain any four methods of class Vector.

Q2: Each question of five marks

1. what is interface write a program to implement multiple inheritance using interfaces.
2. Explain the keyword try,  catch, finally and throws with respect to exception handling in java.
3.what is method overriding and how it differs with method overloading .write a program to illustrate      method overriding
4. Define the keyword throw and its use  with a program.

Q3 . Each question of five marks

1. Program on Vectors
2. program to illustrate different methods of Thread class.
3. program on Strings.
4. what are priority constants of class Thread write a program to illustrate them.

In exam  any five will be selected from Q 1 and two from Q2 and two from Q3.

ECCF Question Describe the Block diagram of Operational Amplifier Draw the pin diagram of  µA 741 op-amp Draw the schematic diagram o...