Sunday, May 26, 2013

Fibonacci series program in c using recursion

# include <stdio.h>
int fib(int);

   int n, i = 0, c;
  printf("how many fibbonaci numbes to be printed");


   printf("Fibonacci series\n");

   for ( c = 1 ; c <= n ; c++ )
      printf("%d\n", fib(i));

   return 0;

int fib(int n)
   if ( n == 0 )
      return 0;
   else if ( n == 1 )
      return 1;
      return ( fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) );

Characters in SPA blue print

C -  Core Question
K- Knowledge based Question
A- Application based question

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Download LET US C ebook

click on the Link below to download the pdf version of  LET US C  by Yashwant Kanetkar 

LET US C by Yashwant kanetkar

Difference between Recursion and Iteration

Recursive function – is a function that is partially defined by itself
Iterative Instructions –are loop based repetitions of a process
Recursion Uses selection structure
Iteration uses repetition structure
Infinite recursion occurs if the recursion step does not reduce the problem in a manner that converges on some condition.(base case)
An infinite loop occurs with iteration if the loop-condition test never becomes false
Recursion terminates when a base case is recognized
Iteration terminates when the loop-condition fails
Recursion is usually slower then iteration due to overhead of maintaining stack
Iteration does not use stack so it's faster than recursion
Recursion uses more memory than iteration
Iteration consume less memory
 Infinite recursion can crash the system
infinite looping uses CPU
cycles repeatedly
Recursion makes code smaller
Iteration makes code longer

Monday, April 1, 2013

S P A Question Bank

1.      Explain function & its types.
2.      Explain iterative instructions and its uses
3.      Explain function & its advantages
4.      Differentiate between if-else-if  & switch-case
5.      Expalin syntax of if else Ladder & list its drawback.
6.      Explain & compare while & do while
7.      Compare break & continue statement.
8.      Write syntax for nested for loop with example.
9.      Differentiate between iteration  & recursion
10.  Explain unconditional control instruction (goto, continue & break)
11.  WAP to display.
B      A
C      B      A
D      C      B    A

12.                  1
           2    1
     3    2    1
4   3    2    1

13.            *

14.  WAP to find GCD of a number using function
15.  WAP to check whether a no is prime.
16.  WAP to find nth Fibonacci no.
17.  WAP to find factorial of a no with function
18.  WAP to find factorial of a no using recursion
19.  Write a menu driven program to implement calculator
20 Find the value of x   where x=1/2+2/3+3/4+4/5+---------+n/n+1
21.    X=  12 + 22  + 32 ---------------n2
22.  WAP  to check whether no is Armstrong or not (eg input = 153).

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